Board of Governors
The Board of Governors makes all major decisions concerning the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics and the College for Tibetan Studies at Sarah. At bi-monthly meetings, it makes rules and regulations as may be necessary or appropriate for the management, control, and conduct of the affairs and property of the two institutes.. The Chairperson of the Board may at any time call a special meeting of the Board of Governors if he judges it necessary. In case of the death, absence, or disability of the, it is the duty of the Vice Chairperson to call special meetings. Of the total of seven members of the Board, a quorum of five members are required to be present at the meeting to make decisions on rules and regulations. For making amendments to the charter, all the members of the Board must be present at the meeting and the consent of at least five members out of the total members at the meeting is required.
Institute of Buddhist Dialectics
Governance of the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics, McLeod Ganj
- President: Geshe Samten Gyatso
- General Secretary of IBD: Ven. Tenzin Topgyal
- Accountant: Ven. Geshe Tenzin Tenkyong
- Cashier: Ven. Karma Choden Lama
The administrative office provides an array of fiscal, human resource, facilities management and other administrative services in support of the staff, students and faculty. The administration of the institute adheres to the rules and regulations laid down by the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics Charter. The Board of Governors has the highest authority. The rules and regulations for both the main and branch institutes are made up by the Board. All major decisions relating to administration, education, health and culture are taken by the Board. The Director, with the assistance of the Assistant Director, oversees the whole functioning, while the General Secretary runs the day-to-day administration.